About us
Our Vision
Becoming different from its competitors thanks to Ar&Ge work at the highest level to meet the expectations of stakeholders and the priority to be the preferred brand.
Our Mission
Industry innovative, open to development stakeholders and customer requests priority environmentally sensitive and honest and principled reliable, hard working and searching to be a company culture adopted as customer satisfaction always is to make.

R & D Department
Maintaining efficiency, investing in qualified people have become more prominent in this economy which faces increase in costs, and where demands of consumers are being charactarized by quality and high-tech products. In order for companies of today to survive the challanges of tomorrow change must begin from the core. R&D departments are among the most important opportunities a company must utilize to create innovation.
We serve our costumers current demands and we advice them innovative ideas to improve their business.
When we mention innovation, it is not about a mere development of new products, but methods to facilitating business and increasing market share and also finding new ways to do business with our solution partners. Okandan Glass Company undertakes it R&D activities in the light of this understanding.